Lake Simbi Nyaima

A Natural Wonder, Lake Simbi Nyaima with a radius of 3km, located near Lake Victoria, enchants visitors with its breathtaking scenery and abundant wildlife. Renowned for its role in local folklore and as a sanctuary for flamingos, this picturesque lake offers a unique and memorable experience for nature enthusiasts and birdwatchers alike.

According to local legend, the lake formed when a woman cursed a revelry after being denied beer. Torrential rains followed, submerging the village and creating the saline lake. Isolated lesser flamingos can still be spotted, and locals believe the water treats various diseases, especially skin-related cases.

Geographical History of Lake Simbi Nyaima

In Dholuo, “Simbi Nyaima” translates to “the village that sank.” Geologists believe it is a volcanic crater lake formed approximately six centuries ago. The intriguing tale suggests that earthquakes, accompanied by volcanic eruptions, led to the birth of this mystical lake. However, for the local community, the origins are even older, shrouded in countless legends that weave together time, earth, and myth.

Imagine standing on the shores of Simbi Nyaima, feeling the echoes of ancient tremors and witnessing the convergence of science and folklore. This small crater lake near Kendu Bay beckons travelers with its enigmatic past—a story etched into the very fabric of Kenya’s landscape.


Simbi Nyaima lies just a few kilometers meters from Lake Victoria and along KenduBay/Homabay Road. However, The site can be accessed easily through a Murram road from the highway.  For those using public means, it costs around 50 Kenyan shillings to get to the site.

Accommodation Options

 While there isn’t direct accommodation at Simbi Nyaima, nearby towns like Homa Bay offer lodging options. Consider staying in Homa Bay and exploring the lake during a day trip.


  1. Birdwatching.

Lake Simbi Nyaima is a haven for birdwatchers. You’ll have the opportunity to observe various bird species, including the iconic flamingos. Keep an eye out for other feathered residents as well. Some of these birds nest in the holes on the sides of the lake, creating a unique and picturesque scene.

Don’t forget to bring your binoculars and a camera to capture these avian wonders!

ii. Nature Walks.

    The scenic surroundings of the lake are ideal for nature walks. There’s a well-maintained 3-kilometer murram road that encircles the lake. As you walk, immerse yourself in the natural beauty—admire the lush vegetation, listen to the sounds of birds and insects, and take in the fresh air. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just looking for a leisurely stroll, this trail offers a serene escape.

    iii. Cultural Insights:

      Engage with the friendly locals and learn about the lake’s rich history. For a small fee (up to 300 shillings), they’ll share fascinating stories and anecdotes. Discover how the lake  has shaped the lives of the people who call this region home. Ask about traditional practices, folklore, and any legends associated with the lake. It’s a chance to connect with the community and gain deeper insights into their way of life.

      iv. Photography:

        The landscapes around Lake Simbi Nyaima are nothing short of breathtaking. From serene sunrises to vibrant sunsets, every moment is a photo opportunity. Capture the play of light on the water, the reflections, and the changing colors of the sky. Experiment with different angles and compositions. Whether you’re using a smartphone or a professional camera, let the beauty of the lake inspire your creativity.

        My personal Experience

        As I stepped onto the shores of Lake Simbi Nyaima I was exited so much .The very place I had read about in books, the mystical lake steeped in legend, was now before my eyes. The sun painted the water in hues of gold, and the air carried whispers of ancient stories.

        I felt exposed—vulnerable to the magic that enveloped this place. The water’s alkaline scent mingled with the earth, and I imagined the woman’s curse echoing across time, shaping the landscape. The locals, with their warm smiles, some of the locals assigned to take care of the site welcomed me into their world. They shared tales of how the lake came to be, passing down generations of wisdom.

        As I walked the around the nature trail, my senses awakened. Birds flitted among the reeds, their calls a symphony of secrets. The sun bore witness to my awe, casting long shadows on the path. I touched the water, half expecting it to heal my skin, just as the stories promised.

        And there it was—the replica of a Luo traditional home—a tangible link to the past. I marveled at the resilience of a community that had thrived alongside this enigmatic lake for centuries. Their culture, like the water, flowed through time, connecting us all.

        Lake Simbi Nyaima left an indelible mark on my soul. As I gazed across its shimmering surface, I realized that books had merely hinted at its magic. To stand here, to breathe its air, was to become part of its story—a chapter written in awe and wonder.

        Sustainability Ratings

        1. Environmental Sustainability (6/10):

        Lake Simbi Nyaima’s environmental sustainability score reflects several factors. While the lake itself is a natural wonder, there are areas for improvement. Responsible tourism practices should be encouragement. Furthermore, waste management and conservation efforts should be looked into and any potential threats to the ecosystem, such as pollution or habitat disruption addressed.

        1. Accessibility (8/10):

        An accessibility score of 8 out of 10 indicates relatively good access to Lake Simbi Nyaima. The existing road infrastructure allows visitors to reach the site conveniently. However, ongoing maintenance and improvements are essential to ensure continued accessibility for tourists.

        Overall Sustainability Score (8/10):

        Considering both environmental and accessibility aspects, Lake Simbi Nyaima receives a commendable overall sustainability score. To maintain this rating, stakeholders should collaborate on conservation initiatives, enhance visitor experiences, and prioritize the lake’s long-term well-being.


        1. Road Accessibility and Tarmacking

        The government should prioritize upgrading the road leading to Lake Simbi Nyaima. Improved road infrastructure will enhance accessibility for tourists and minimize travel time from nearby towns like Kendu Bay and Homa Bay. Well-maintained roads encourage responsible tourism and reduce the environmental impact of off-road driving.

        1. Expert Tour Guides.

        Hiring knowledgeable tour guides is crucial. While local guides provide valuable insights, expert guides can offer a deeper understanding of the lake’s geology, ecology, and cultural significance. Expert guides can enhance visitors’ experiences, ensuring they appreciate the unique features of Lake Simbi Nyaima. This can be achieved through capacity building of the locals to ensure they meet the standards required to handle visitors.

        1. Security Measures and Fencing:

        The existing fence around the lake should be maintained and reinforced. This prevents encroachment and protects the fragile ecosystem from human disturbance. Regular patrols and community involvement can further enhance security and prevent illegal activities.

        1. Restaurants and Amenities:

        Establishing restaurants or eateries near the lake would enhance the overall visitor experience. Tourists can enjoy local cuisine while taking in the scenic beauty of Lake Simbi Nyaima. These facilities should follow sustainable practices, such as minimizing waste and sourcing ingredients locally.

        Remember, Lake Simbi Nyaima is not only a geological wonder but also a cultural treasure. By implementing these measures, we can ensure its preservation for generations to come.

        By Albert Ouma{Rongo University Media and communication student}

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